"This website has been created with
the aim of resourcing the goals of
organisations & individuals, who
have a passion to meet the needs of
the disadvantaged or reach the lost,
advancing the Kingdom
and preparing the Bride"

Mobiles: use Landscape
    Soon the stage will be set for the last 7 years of this Age, centred on the EU, the Mediterranean and Israel. Before this, the Father will pour out the Latter Rain annointing.....His Presence
      to PREPARE the "Bride" for the Wedding.    ETA? as soon as 2025.    Launchpad?    the Great Southland    ; ADELAIDE/Australia    ;
Steve Grace Great Southland... youtube  

KC My Favourite by Selah on YouTube

MC           DC           VC

RB           GB

For America by Steve Grace YouTube

Fred Hollows left a Legacy.
As little as $25 will restore sight.
The blind see....Matthew 11:5

2023 Achievements

King of Kings Assembly
fulfil Romans 15:26,27
Redeemed in Zion

Check this Lifehouse backed skit!

We are loved, from above.
This 6 minute skit says it well.
turn up the volume.

Transform a Life
reachout to the needy
.... Matthew 25:35,36

Do not be 'self'-centred,
but be conscious of others,
including the 'captives'
.....Hebrews 13:1-3

Partner News

  We are ALL called to the "Ministry" as living Epistles.
  We are NOT all called to the Lord's '5fold' Ministry but we can
       share in the fruits of their service, by being financial partners.

  I have known  GARY KEMP  of The Meeting Place for years
       and have witnessed his Journey.
  Stripped bare to a relationship with the Father and a suitcase.
  He hears clearly in the Spirit and walks closely to the Father.
  As Jesus spoke in John 5 and John 12 and summed up in 1 Pet4:11,
Gary's desire is to only do what he sees the Father doing
         and speak what he hears the Father say.
  He has been prepared for now.

  Gary's humility allows God to flow in the prophetic,
       and with words of knowledge.
  He desires the Tabernacle of David free worship of Acts 15: 16 & 17
‘After this I will return And will rebuild the tabernacle of David, which has fallen
down; I will rebuild its ruins, And I will set it up;
So that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord, Even all the Gentiles who are called by My name..."
  He has a Grace & Faith message and I believe has a
"breakthrough" Power Ministry to Heal and   set people free.

Kevin Cramp

Middle East

   Be careful. Easy to be led by the Media and emotions.
 Matt 25:31-46
 The Nations gathered before Him in the Valley of Jehoshaphat
 v40 "The King will reply, Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these
brothers and sisters of mine (of Israel), you did for me."
  and those who did not treat the Jews in love, were sent to eternal punishment.


 Climate change. Where are the Scientists WHO know better?
 CO2 is not a pollutant. It is PLANT FOOD.
 Plant+water+sunshine+CO2=Plant Growth.
 ie Wood for construction, and OUR FOOD source.
 by-product?......Oxygen. Fantastic!
 More CO2? faster growth, greater yield.
 Yes we need to cleanup our act not "throw away the baby".
 The problem is,there is not enough WATER where we need it.
 Spend the money on desal and water diversion/storage.
 Grow stuff everywhere we currently can't.
 create $returns, build community, jobs, reduce CO2.
 Grow More Food.
 Solve worldwide problems not send us broke.
 btw what about that continent of plastic waste?
 Is that warming up our ocean currents?

We know who our (defeated) enemy is
and we shouldn't be ignorant of his traps.
But God's enemies are self centred people.

Giving it Back to God .pdf NEW

End Times and Latter Rain .pdf *

To Tithe or NOT... .pdf

Revelation from serving in Catering .pdf

The Truth will set you Free .pdf

The Sandpit .pdf

We Owe the Jews .pdf

God has a Heart +Healing testimony.pdf

Same nation, not the same team .pdf

Influence of Science .pdf *

My Testimony .pdf

Bits and Pieces .pdf

Southside (EDGE) HELPS training.pdf

Slide Captions .pdf

  Free personality tests
These 2 use Smalley type animal pictures instead of the 4 Humors
Lion - Dominant (Choleric)
Otter- Influencer (Sanguine)
Beaver- Cautious (Melancholy)
Golden Retriever- Supportive

Smalley and Trent .pdf

An in-depth Briggs Myers 16 types
  leaning toward career guidance
Do test then go to "Personality Types"
choose type for detail then next page

Truity site

  Free Ministry/Gift tests
Growing in experiences,Revelation and
Wisdom will show a change in your earlier

giftstest site
You can skip personal detail

Thanks for finding Zoelife.
If you find this site useful,
please spread the Word, or include us
on your social page or favourites.